Help us support The Lustgarten Foundation in their pursuit to eradicate pancreatic cancer! Join in on the walk at Rye Playland to help spread the awarness. Pet Pantry will be there handing out FREE treats and $5 off coupons!
Here is their site where you can register and a little information on The Lustgarten Foundation.
" The Lustgarten Foundation is the nation's largest private supporter of pancreatic cancer research. Founded in 1998, the organization was named after Cablevision executive Marc Lustgarten, who died from the disease. The Lustgarten Foundation is dedicated to advancing the scientific and medical research related to pancreatic cancer, the nation's fourth leading cause of cancer deaths.
The Lustgarten Foundation concentrates on stimulating the scientific community to conduct the research necessary to find early detection methods, better treatments and a cure for this disease. Toward this end, The Lustgarten Foundation has provided more than $118 million in support of promising pancreatic cancer research. The Foundation also provides free information to patients and caregivers."